The Margarita, A Summer Time Staple...But Celebrated in February
by Ana Gomez Montalbano on 05/05/15
Thanks to the millions of margarita fans, Margarita Day is now celebrated in February. Where else can the Margarita stir a fuss of its origin? By far,we know this cocktail needs no introduction when our palate calls for a sweet, salty, sour, and bitter combination.
The legend of the Margarita was first poured in 1938 while another inventor for the title whipped up the concoction in 1948. Whomever takes credit, Tex isn't Mex without the summer-time favorite, the Margarita.
On May 5th, also known to Texans, as Cinco de Mayo, the celebrations are in full motion. No other day can we find a better excuse for mixing our own Margarita recipe, as the center of enjoyment.
Every eatery serving the Margarita has its own specialty. Being a CONNOISSEUR of only the finest, the blend of the best tequila and triple-sec are the most important ingredients. Fresh lime juice is a must. And don't expect the waiter to bring you top-quality tequila. You must ask for it. Usually the slushy frozen margarita from the machine is already mixed with the lowest grade of tequila. I enjoy on-the-Rocks as the best option for top shelf tequila because it has to be shaken by hand. For a sweeter twist, adding flavors such as mango or raspberry is just perfect, especially if the fruit is combined.
Whatever your desire, the Margarita is hands-down the Texas martini that goes well with all Tex-Mex cuisine.
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